Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Psychology As Storytelling Essay -- essays research papers

<a href="http//">Sam Vaknins Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs clear SitesStorytelling has been with us since the days of coteriefire and besieging wild animals. It served a number of important functions amelioration of fears, communication of vital information (regarding survival tactics and the characteristics of animals, for instance), the satisfaction of a sense of order (justice), the development of the ability to hypothesize, predict and introduce theories and so on.We are all endowed with a sense of wonder. The orb around us in inexplicable, baffling in its diversity and myriad forms. We experience an urge to organize it, to "explain the wonder away", to order it in order to chouse what to expect next (predict). These are the essentials of survival. But while we have been successful at imposing our minds structures on the outside world - we have been much less(prenominal) successful when we tried to cope wit h our internal universe.The relationship between the structure and functioning of our (ephemeral) mind, the structure and modes of operation of our (physical) brain and the structure and conduct of the outside world have been the matter of heated debate for millennia. Broadly speaking, there were (and still are) two ways of treating itThere were those who, for all practical purposes, identified the origin (brain) with its fruit (mind). Some of them postulated the existence of a lattice of preconceived, born categorical knowledge about the universe - the vessels into which we pour our experience and which mold it. Others have regarded the mind as a black box. While it was possible in principle to know its input and output, it was impossible, again in principle, to understand its internal functioning and management of information. Pavlov coined the invent "conditioning", Watson adopted it and invented "behaviorism", Skinner came up with "reinforcement". But a ll ignored the psychophysical question what IS the mind and HOW is it linked to the brain?The other camp was more "scientific" and "positivist". It speculated that the mind (whether a physical entity, an epiphenomenon, a non-physical principle of organization, or the result of introspection) - had a structure and a limited crop of functions. They argued that a "users manua... ... inaccessible, recesses of his mind. He feels that he is being reintegrated, that "things fall into place". In psychodynamic terms, the energy is released to do productive and positive work, rather than to induce distorted and annihilating forces.c. The Purgatory Principle - In most cases, the client feels sinful, debased, inhuman, decrepit, corrupting, guilty, punishable, hateful, alienated, strange, mocked and so on. The plot offers him absolution. Like the highly symbolic figure of the Saviour before him - the clients sufferings expurgate, cleanse, absolve, and atone for his sins and handicaps. A sense of hard won achievement accompanies a successful plot. The client sheds layers of functional, adaptive clothing. This is inordinately painful. The client feels dangerously naked, precariously exposed. He then assimilates the plot offered to him, thereof enjoying the benefits emanating from the previous two principles and only then does he develop new mechanisms of coping. Therapy is a mental crucifixion and resurrection and atonement for the sins. It is highly religious with the plot in the role of the scriptures from which solace and consolation can be always gleaned.

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